Brandel France de Bravo is the author of three books of poetry, editor of a bilingual anthology of contemporary Mexican poetry, and co-author of a parenting book. Click the links below for more information.
The Best American Poetry 2024
from “After the Ecstasy, the Laundry”
Window caulk cracking, door padlocked, another laundromat
is closing. How far will people have to drive their dirty
bedspreads? Headlights in daytime, snaking in slow caravans,
black Hefty bags in the backseat, to some suburban strip mall’s
Sit and Spin. My years of hoarding quarters, jam-jar maracas
are over. Wheeling my wet load past oversized peepholes
as I eye the red minutes—over. I don’t have a private
chapel devoted to laundry as seen on HGTV, just
an “in-unit W/D.” And, so must most neighbors. Do I miss
laundromats? …
From Locomotive Cathedral
“Taking Dictation” in Jet Fuel Review
“Mind Training Slogan 25: Don’t Talk about Injured Limbs” in Diode
“Free Trade Agreement” in DMQ Review
“After the Ecstasy, the Laundry” in 32 Poems
“Resilience V and Vll” in Gargoyle
“Resilience V” and “Lying Flat” in On the Seawall
“Mind Training Slogan 27: Work with the Greatest Defilements First” and “Wind in a Box” in The Westchester Review
“Resilience II” in the Indianapolis Review
“Resilience I” in Pangyrus
“If It’s in the Way, It is the Way” in Superstition Review (with audio)
“Mind Training Slogan 34: Don’t Transfer the Ox’s Load to the Cow” in The Citron Review
“Love It or List It” in SWWIM
“The Lounge Chair Does the Work” in Unbroken, Prose Poems
“The Chemistry of Distance” in the Baltimore Review
From Provenance
From Mother, Loose
“The Old Woman in the Shoe” at Accents Publishing
“In Transit” in Sliver of Stone
"The Night Kitchen” (nominated for a 2013 Pushcart Prize) in DMQ Review
"Dialogue with the Body” (nominated for a 2012 Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net) in Lunch Ticket
“Grammar School” (originally published in the Alaska Quarterly Review) in Redux
“The Queen of Hearts” The Ilanot Review